HCC Academy

Interval Hypoxia Training (IHT)

This therapy simulates conditions at high altitudes, where there is less oxygen in the air.

The Interval Hypoxia Training (IHT) is a special form of training in which the body is repeatedly exposed to short phases of low oxygen levels (hypoxia), followed by phases with normal oxygen supply (normoxia). This therapy simulates conditions at high altitudes where there is less oxygen in the air. IHT is used to enhance physical performance, optimize metabolism, and improve overall health. This method is non-invasive and is employed in both sports and therapeutic settings.

Mechanism of Interval Hypoxia Training

The mechanism of IHT is based on the body’s adaptation to changing oxygen conditions. When the body goes through phases of reduced oxygen levels, a series of physiological processes are activated that affect the entire cardiovascular and respiratory system:

  • Improved oxygen uptake and utilization

    The body learns to use oxygen more efficiently. During the hypoxia phase, oxygen uptake in the tissues is increased, and oxygen consumption in the cells is optimized.

  • Increase in Red Blood Cells

    Under conditions of oxygen deficiency, the body increases the production of the hormone erythropoietin (EPO), which leads to an increased formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes). This ultimately enhances the oxygen transport capacity of the blood.

  • Improvement of mitochondrial function

    The mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cells, adjust to changing oxygen levels. ATP production (energy production) becomes more efficient, enhancing cellular performance.

  • Strengthening the Cardiovascular System

    IHT trains the cardiovascular system by influencing heart rate, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure during hypoxia phases. This leads to improved cardiovascular efficiency and increased stress resistance of the body.

  • Regulation of Metabolism

    IHT positively influences glucose and fat metabolism by stabilizing insulin levels and promoting fat burning. This makes the method particularly appealing for individuals with metabolic disorders.

Application Examples of Interval Hypoxia Training

Interval hypoxia training has a wide range of applications in various fields, from health promotion to rehabilitation and sports performance optimization:

  • Sport and Performance Enhancement

    In high-performance sports, IHT is used to improve endurance and shorten recovery time after intense training sessions. By increasing the production of red blood cells and enhancing oxygen utilization, athletes can significantly boost their physical performance.

  • Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Diseases

    IHT is often used in cardiovascular rehabilitation to support patients after a heart attack or those with chronic cardiovascular diseases. It helps to increase the endurance of the cardiovascular system and shorten the recovery phase.

  • Weight management and metabolism optimization

    IHT has positive effects on metabolism, especially in individuals with obesity or metabolic syndrome. By improving insulin balance and promoting fat burning, it supports weight loss and helps regulate blood sugar levels.

  • Treatment of Chronic Diseases

    IHT is also used for chronic conditions such as asthma, COPD, or high blood pressure. It improves oxygen utilization in the cells, which is particularly beneficial for patients with compromised lung function.

  • Anti-Aging and General Health Promotion

    The training promotes cellular regeneration and assists the body in detoxification. This leads to an overall improvement in well-being and can be used as an anti-aging measure.

Benefits of Interval Hypoxia Training

The interval hypoxia training offers a range of health benefits:

  • Improved oxygen efficiency

    IHT trains the body to function with less oxygen while simultaneously maximizing oxygen utilization in the cells. This results in improved physical performance and endurance.

  • Increase in red blood cells

    By increasing the red blood cell count, the body can transport more oxygen. This is beneficial not only for athletes but also for individuals with cardiovascular diseases or chronic conditions that can gain from improved oxygen supply.

  • Metabolism optimization and weight loss

    IHT supports the regulation of blood sugar levels and promotes fat burning. This makes it an effective method for supporting diets and treating metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

  • Cardiovascular Health

    Training strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves heart function, and can lower blood pressure. This makes it a valuable therapy for patients with cardiovascular diseases.

  • Stress resistance and recovery

    IHT promotes recovery after intense physical or mental stress, strengthens the immune system, and increases the body's resilience to stress.

Processes of interval hypoxia training at the cellular, tissue, and biochemical levels

The effects of IHT can be explained on various biological levels.


Mitochondrial Adaptation: The cells respond to the changing oxygen levels by adjusting their mitochondrial activity. The mitochondria increase ATP production and operate more efficiently, leading to enhanced energy supply for the cells.

Improvement of Oxygen Utilization: During the hypoxia phase, the ability of the cells to use oxygen more efficiently is improved. This results in an increase in oxygen utilization at the cellular level, which enhances endurance.


Verbesserte Durchblutung: Durch die vermehrte Produktion von Erythrozyten wird das Blut mit mehr Sauerstoff angereichert. Dies führt zu einer besseren Sauerstoffversorgung des Gewebes, was besonders für die Muskulatur und Organe von Vorteil ist.

Stärkung des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems: IHT verbessert die Funktion des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems, indem es das Herz trainiert, effizienter zu arbeiten, und die Durchblutung der Gewebe verbessert. Dies reduziert die Belastung des Herzens und erhöht die körperliche Ausdauer.


Production of Erythropoietin (EPO): In response to hypoxia, the body increases the production of erythropoietin, a hormone that promotes the formation of red blood cells. This enhances oxygen transport capacity and raises the number of red blood cells in the bloodstream.

Regulation of Insulin Metabolism: IHT enhances insulin sensitivity of cells, contributing to the regulation of blood sugar levels and optimizing glucose metabolism. This is particularly important for individuals with diabetes or insulin resistance.

You can learn more about the mechanism and the wide range of applications in our lectures, courses, and seminars on the topic of IHT.


Interval Hypoxia Training (IHT) is a flexible approach to enhancing physical performance, boosting cardiovascular health, and optimizing metabolism. By training the body to adapt to varying oxygen levels, it improves oxygen usage, encourages red blood cell production, and increases cellular efficiency. IHT is effectively implemented in elite sports, rehabilitation after cardiovascular issues, and the management of chronic health conditions. Given its beneficial impact on heart health, circulation, and metabolism, it is gaining popularity for overall health enhancement and as a means of combating aging.